May 9, 2018

The University of Michigan College of Pharmacy and the Drug Delivery Foundation (DDF) hosted the In Vivo/Formulation Predictive Dissolution Conference 2018 in Lake Tahoe, on March 4-9.

During the in vivo dissolution conference, 19 speakers convened to discuss the need for a biorelevant dissolution test to better reflect the intraluminal behavior of an oral drug product in the human GI tract. All attendees unanimously agreed that replacement of human BE/BA studies by a biorelevant dissolution test will result in a more rational selection of drug product and oral formulation strategies in the pharmaceutical industry, resulting in time- and cost-effective drug product development for pharmaceutical companies and more optimized products for patients. There is a tremendous need to create a more scientific framework to assess formulation performance with less ethical than required considerations for human studies supporting novel and mechanistic drug product development.

For more information on the event, visit the Drug Delivery Foundation’s website.Â