Clinical Pharmacy Translational Science PhD Curriculum

From Big-Picture Population Health Issues to Patient-Specific Genetics, We Advance Medication Science

Choose Your Research Track

Health Services Research

Health Services Research (HSR) focuses on improving population health outcomes through health policy, informatics, health systems and providers by improving medication use.

Precision Pharmacotherapy Research

Precision Pharmacotherapy Research (PPR) focuses on the discovery and translation of physiological biomarkers, genetics, kinetics and metabolomics used to predict, monitor, or understand treatment outcomes.

A program designed for future researchers who want to pursue a field of science where you study existing medications and therapeutics to discover ways to improve their use in humans and health systems.




Pre-Candidacy Research




GSI Requirement


Dissertation and Defense

Core Courses for CPTS
Didactic course topics range from grant writing, biostatistics/bioinformatics, study design, and ethics. Each semester, students will participate in the CP Seminar.

HSR Track
Students choosing the HSR track must complete up to 10 credits of track-specific core courses, on topics that include medication use process, patient-reported outcomes, and pharmacy informatics.

PPR Track
Students choosing the PPR track must complete up to 10 credits of track-specific core courses, on topics that include pharmacokinetics, pharmacogenomics and metabolomics/proteomics.

Research Rotations and Selection of Advisor and Dissertation Committee

During the first semester, students will complete research rotations to determine their PhD advisor and area of research interest. Then, they will develop their PhD dissertation research project and dissertation committee by the end of their first year.

Pre-Candidacy Research
Students begin their pre-candidacy research in their second year.

Candidacy Exam/Dissertation Proposal
Graduate students in CPTS present and defend a proposal for their dissertation research. Typical completion of all requirements for candidacy occurs by the end of your Fall semester in your second year.

Advancing to Candidacy
Upon successful completion of coursework, research rotations, dissertation proposal, and the qualifying exam, students advance to candidacy, marking the transition from (largely) classroom learning to mentored research.

Students will serve as a graduate student instructor (GSI) for at least one term once they have achieved candidacy. There are often more opportunities to serve as GSI, particularly for students interested in pursuing an academic career with teaching responsibilities.

Research Publication
Students are required to have at least one first-authored peer-reviewed research article accepted by a reputable journal before defending their PhD dissertation.

Dissertation and Defense
Students will spend two to four (approx.) years conducting their research leading up to their dissertation defense.

I Went From PhD Student to Candidate,Now What?

In your second year, you will focus on your research, participate in our weekly departmental seminars, and present once per year on your research project to faculty and students.
During your time as a candidate, you will have the opportunity (not required) to participate in our three-minute thesis (3MT1) competition, where you will compete against your peers to describe your research in three minutes, using simple terms anyone can understand. And yes, there is a prize!
1 – 3MT was developed by the University of Queensland

How Does Dissertation Work?

Supporting You Through to a Successful Dissertation Defense is our Focus

Dissertation Committee


You provide updates to your dissertation committee twice annually, typically in January and July. Your dissertation committee will be comprised of your PhD advisor and three to four additional faculty with expertise in the area of your research, supporting and guiding you through the PhD program.

Dissertation Defense


The dissertation defense includes a seminar presentation in front of your dissertation committee, CPTS faculty, other graduate students, fellows, and the public. This presentation is followed by a private session with the dissertation committee, who will vote on the outcome of your defense for degree conferment.


Get to Know Our Faculty and Their Labs

Be Mentored and Learn From Faculty Who Are:

  • Leaders in Their Field
  • Internationally Recognized
  • Chosen to Advise Governmental Agencies
  • Entrepreneurs and Have Successful Start-Up Companies
  • Creating Learning Environments That Encourage Diversity in Thought, Background and Viewpoint

Ready to Apply?

Learn about admission requirements and view next steps toward earning a PhD in CPTS at the University of Michigan.
